Timeline for transfer applicants
Plan your transfer admission process and use our timeline below to make sure you’re on track with meeting all milestones, deadlines and requirements.
First Year—Community College
- Research your UC Davis major and familiarize yourself with prerequisite coursework.
- Create a UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP).
- Meet with a UC Davis or California Community College counselor to discuss your transfer goals and plan a UC Davis Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG), available at all California community colleges.
- Oct. 1–March 2: Apply for financial aid annually at studentaid.gov or dream.csac.ca.gov.
- At the close of each term, update coursework and grade information on your UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP).
- Attend UC Davis Picnic Day in April.

Second Year—Community College
- Meet with a UC Davis counselor to ensure you are on target with your transfer plan.
- Start your UC undergraduate application for admission and scholarships as early as August 1.
- Submit your UC TAG Application, September 1–30.
- Complete and submit the UC undergraduate application for admission and scholarships from October 1–December 2.
- Oct. 1–Mar. 2: Apply for financial aid annually at studentaid.gov or dream.csac.ca.gov.
- Mid-November: UC Davis TAG decisions are released.
- Your UC undergraduate application for admission and scholarships must be submitted by December 2.
- Establish a UC Davis myadmissions.ucdavis.edu online account and check it frequently for updates about your admission status.
- Jan. 31: Priority deadline to complete the Transfer Academic Update.
- Notify UC Davis of any changes in your planned coursework using MyAdmissions.
- Mar. 2: Submit your Cal Grant GPA verification form.
- Notify UC Davis of any dropped courses and D or F grades you receive during spring term at myadmissions.ucdavis.edu.
April-June 1
- Check your UC Davis admission status and financial aid award starting late April at myadmissions.ucdavis.edu.
- If admitted, submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) and Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) online by June 1. You may submit an SIR to only one UC campus.
- If admitted, apply for the UC Davis Cal Aggie Alumni Association (CAAA) Leadership Scholarship by June 4.