Update March 13, 11 a.m.
The UC Davis School of Law is one of at least three Northern California law schools to receive letters containing threatening messages directed at the Latino community.
Monday afternoon the Hispanic student organization La Raza received such a letter. Included in the type-written letter was white powder. This morning the Sacramento County Crime Laboratory determined that the substance was harmless.
The UC Davis Police Department has classified the incident as a hate crime and is investigating this case with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI sent the letter and its contents to the Sacramento County Crime Laboratory for testing.
The FBI confirms that, in addition to law schools, some Hispanic community organizations received a similar letter.
The UC Davis Police Department reminds the campus community to report any suspicious mail, or any other form of communication that may be threatening, to the UC Davis Police Department at (530) 752-1230.
Dean Perschbacher's Letter to the King Hall Community
I am deeply saddened to report that three law schools and several Latino organizations in Northern California have received letters with racist anti-Latino messages, combined with a serious threat to student safety. Yesterday, our own La Raza Law Students Association received such a letter. The incident was reported immediately to the UC Davis police.
The UC Davis Police Department has classified the incident as a hate crime and is working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in an investigation of the letters. The law school is fully cooperating in this investigation and will take all steps possible to ensure student safety.
Please be especially be alert to the dangers posed by the recent threats. If you or any student organization receive any suspicious mail (such as a letter or package without a return address), a telephone call, or anything that seems threatening, please contact Tracy Schuster in the Deans Office or the UC Davis police immediately.
This is a disturbing episode. As a community, we must condemn all expressions of hate and intolerance. We also must take action to ensure the safety of all students, staff, and faculty. I hope that you join me in condemning this incident directed at important and valued members of the King Hall community.
Rex Perschbacher
Media Resources
Susanne Rockwell, Web and new media editor, (530) 752-2542, sgrockwell@ucdavis.edu
Sgt. Nader Oweis, Police Department, (530) 752-1230